Muirfield Advisors is focused on positioning your finances to strengthen the possibility of getting more need based aid and lowering the amount of money you have to pay out of your pocket.
Which Category Do You Fit In?
With that being said, it is important to understand the process and know what category you fall into within the Federal Financial Aid formula/guidelines. There are three categories:
- Category 1 – Those who will definitely qualify for need-based financial aid no matter what school they choose
- Category 2 – Those who will qualify for need based aid depending on the school that they end up choosing
- Category 3 – Those who do not qualify for need based aid
How Can Muirfield Advisors help?
Depending on which category you fall into, we utilize different techniques, services and strategies to maximize your eligibility for financial and/or merit based aid. Those include:
- Accurate and timely completion of all the forms/paperwork needed (FAFSA, CSS Profile, etc)
- Utilize PhD level counselors to work with your child to identify strengths and interests in pursuing a field of study. This program will also walk them through a college search that meets your child’s preferences.
- SAT/ACT prep courses
- Thru strategic financial planning we may be able to lower your EFC (Expected Family Contribution)
- Negotiate with colleges to maximize college aid
- Create college funding plans that don’t drastically disrupt your lifestyle or derail your future retirement goals.
To reiterate, Muirfield Advisors looks to improve your chances of qualifying for the most need based aid as possible thru financial positioning and college selection. We then create a plan to help you budget for any remaining out of pocket expenses associated with college expenses. The key is to have a plan in place that allows you to pay your portion of college without drastically disrupting your current lifestyle or retirement future.